I'd like to invite you to join me Saturday February 10th at Dave & Buster's in Boise for our 50 for 50 drive.  You're wondering what's 50 for 50?  No it's not, KIDO Talk Radio's version of 30 for 30.  50 for 50 is our campaign to raise awareness for our friends and partners at the Boise Rescue Mission.  The post holiday time of year is a challenge for the Mission.  We're asking you to join us at Dave & Buster's Saturday February 10th from 4pm-6pm.  We'll have a special edition of the Kevin Miller Show on site.  We'd ask you to bring a can of food or a nonperishable item to donate to the Boise Rescue Mission.

It's also my 50th birthday, so I'm inviting you to join me for food, fun,and a great cause.  I am so blessed to be able to start my day with you in the Treasure Valley.  Please stop by, donate, and jump on the mic.  We'll have a few special guests, my parents, wife, Reverend Bill and Tea Party Bob to name a few.  I'm hoping Patriot Ray can make it!

Please call Dave & Buster's to RSVP at 208-901-3806


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