Today's guests: 6 a.m. – Wesley Denton of the Conservative Partnership Institute says there were some red flags for conservatives in President Trump’s SOU speech.  He outlines the dangers of amnesty and if the president comprises what will happen to the country.  Mr. Denton tells Kevin Miller that it's important to inform his listeners.  ; 6:35 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland has the latest on a train / truck crash which delayed a GOP retreat.  She reveals what the possible reaction could be to the FBI Memo.  7 a.m.  State Representative Christy Perry phones in from the campaign trail.   She explains what it's like to campaign in Idaho's 1st District.  Representative Perry details her support for the 2nd Amendment.  She pledges to work with both sides of aisle. 8 a.m. – Idaho gubernatorial candidate Tommy Ahlquist calls in from the campaign trail ; 8:35 a.m. – Fox News’ Tonya J Powers has a pre-Super Bowl report.

6 a.m.

7 a.m.

8 a.m.

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