5 Reasons Why You Should Attend our SOTU Party at Dave & Buster’s
We're a few days away from President Trump's delayed State of the Union from Washington DC. Here are a 5 reasons why you should join us this Tuesday night at Dave & Busters in Boise.Hopefully this blog will distract you from the nonstop bloviating over the eventual demise of current Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. How did the Virginia Republicans operations research teams miss so many opportunities to derail Northam when he was running for governor?
Regardless, let's move on to why you should watch the State of the Union with us.
1. Nancy Pelosi cannot stop the magic. The Speaker of the House may have delayed the president speaking to the public, but she didn't stop him from addressing the nation. Can you wait until you see her facial expressions when President Trump starts talking about he need for a wall? He might even turnaround and give her the look.
2. You can't talk back to your television. You'll be surrounded by Idaho Conservatives who share your values. For over three years, first with debate watch parties and now with the SOTU, we've committed to getting together and having a great time.
3. Dave & Buster's has great food at affordable prices. No need to get a pizza or eat the leftovers.
4. Kevin Miller will host a post SOTU Talk Show from Dave & Buster's. Whether you agree or not, your voice will be heard!
5. You will send a message to the entire Treasure Valley that we are a proud Conservative State!
Hope to see you Tuesday Night.
RSVP now by calling Dave & Busters at 208-901-3800!
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