Allegiant Money Saving Hack On Flights From Boise
After living in Boise for three years I made what I thought was a good move even though my friends who grew up here still say was a big mistake. I moved to Phoenix, Arizona. While the career move was great I certainly missed Boise and all of my close friends so as a result I ended up flying back and forth every other weekend for 7 years. Why didn't anyone tell me about this Allegiant money saving hack on flights from Boise to Phoenix (Mesa, Az)!
I started flying on American airlines then eventually decided that I was flying so much that I needed to take advantage of the points systems that Southwest airlines offered. I spent the better part of 6 years flying on Southwest and paying and average of $300 round trip to Phoenix. Quick math says that I spent about $6000 per year. If I had known I would of paid half that flying Allegiant because they offer $150 roundtrips. I would of saved $3000 per year over 6 years... that's $18,000.
NO that is not the money saving hack. If you've ever flown Allegiant I'm sure you've noticed that there is roughly a $20 online convenience/booking fee. The way around that fee is to stop by the airport and purchase your ticket at the counter. Imagine your $75 flight to Arizona becoming $55. Now multiply that savings times two. All of a sudden I would of been saving $40 per roundtrip on 20 trips a year for 6 years. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's $4800 I threw away. Depending on how much you fly this hack can save you some real money.
Allegiant has flights to Los Angeles, Orange County, Santa Ana, Palm Springs, Mesa Arizona, Las Vegas and Nashville.