What would you do with an extra $50,000 a year?

I'm sure there's a lot you could do with $50,000 a year and my wheels are turning! Idaho is one of the highest costs per year for smokers and one of the highest costs over a lifetime as well.

Diana Polk from WalletHub shared "To encourage the estimated 34.2 million tobacco users in the U.S. to kick this dangerous habit, WalletHub calculated the potential monetary losses – including the lifetime and annual costs of a cigarette pack per day, health care expenditures, income losses, and other costs – brought on by smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke."

So how did WalletHub get to $50,000 per year in the state of Idaho?

"To determine per-person Out-of-Pocket Costs Over a Lifetime, we took the average cost of a pack of cigarettes in each state and multiplied that figure by the total number of days in 48 years. For Costs per Year, we multiplied the average cost by 365 days."

You'll also see a breakdown of how much smokers in Idaho will spend over a lifetime and the number is something you're hoping to win when you play the lottery.

If you're looking for an effective way to quit smoking, here's what Christopher W. Kahler (Ph.d. - Professor and Chair, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies – Brown University School of Public Health) had to say "People who want to quit smoking have more ways than ever to get support. State quit lines and digital quit smoking programs like Smokefree.gov or BecomeAnEX offer free and readily available online information, individual and community support, and text messaging support programs. Nicotine replacement therapy is available over the counter and combining nicotine patches and nicotine lozenges or gum is particularly effective. Very effective prescription medications, such as varenicline, are also a good option to consider".

Idaho makes the Top 10 in Cost Over a Lifetime and Cost Per Year. Keep scrolling to find out how to save $50,000. 

Idaho Ranks One of the Highest For Cost of Smoking Over A Lifetime

WalletHub Methodology "In order to assess the impact of tobacco use on a smoker’s finances both over a lifetime and in a single year, WalletHub calculated the potential monetary losses — including the cumulative cost of a cigarette pack per day over several decades, health-care expenditures, income losses, and other costs — brought on by smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke."

Idaho Ranks One of the Highest For Cost of Smoking Over A Lifetime

How to save $50,000 a year... Quit Smoking! 

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