Idaho Libraries Are Getting A ‘Mature Content’ Section
It's happened to all of us. You're casually browsing your local library, looking for a new adventure to read, when that sudden urge hits you: "I'M FEELING FRISKY AND WANT TO READ ABOUT FRISKY THINGS!"
Tale as old as time. Luckily, next time that happens to you, all you have to do is direct yourself toward your local Idaho library's mature content collection. No, we're not joking.
Idaho libraries will soon be featuring a mature content collection, where books with mature and/or sexual content will be placed, instead of on general shelves.
Sure, it sounds like something made up, but it's not. Libraries in Kootenai County are already gearing up to make the change, thanks to a law passed in 2024.
The good news is, you won't get lost looking for your favorite adult content at your favorite library in the future. Bad news is, you have to walk up to that nice librarian and ask them "Um...where's the sexy stuff?"
What's your take? Should books with mature and/or sexual content be placed in a separate section away from all the other books? Or should things stay as they are, where you find the bow-chicka-bow-bow books right next to Horton Hears A Who?
We're not sure if NASA has an adults-only section at their library (assuming they do not), but if you've never seen images of what they're holding on to, buckle up.
These are some truly incredible images, 31 to be exact, from NASA's public library. And, yes, NASA has its own public library.
LOOK: 31 breathtaking images from NASA's public library
Gallery Credit: Deborah Brosseau