In a very unfortunate update from the Nampa Police Department, authorities have released further details surrounding the fatal incident that occurred on...
In a concerning incident reported by the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) via their official Facebook page, a highway maintenance rig parked on I-86...
In the wake of a recent tragic accident in Boise, the arrest of Kailee Cameron, a 23-year-old from Meridian, serves as strong reminder of the devastating...
Meridian and Kuna area residents were shaken by another rollover accident, this time at the intersection of Meridian Road and Amity. This incident marks...
In a heart-stopping incident that sent shockwaves through the tight-knit community of Kuna, as this was shared all over Facebook, the Red Eye Saloon...
A semitrailer carrying more than 200 beehives--not bees, beehives!--that contain over 25 million bees overturned on I-80 in Utah last week! 25 million bees! That's a lot of bees.