America is Tuning Out the DNC ConventionAmerica is Tuning Out the DNC ConventionAlthough surrogates explain that the digital consumption has improved drastically from from 2016. Kevin MillerKevin Miller
Coming up Next? Another Democratic DebateComing up Next? Another Democratic Debate 11 candidates have qualified so far - the 10 from Thursday night along with billionaire Tom Steyer, who just missed the September cutoff.Kevin MillerKevin Miller
Donna Did It! New Wikileaks Detail Hillary’s Heads Up on Debate QuestionsDonna Did It! New Wikileaks Detail Hillary’s Heads Up on Debate QuestionsHow would you like to be a lifelong Democrat? A primary that was suppose to be a coronation has become a catastrophe. Never mind the latest issues involving Hillary, Comey, and Trump. We're looking at the very integrity of the DNC.Kevin MillerKevin Miller