Fat2Back: The Mental GameFat2Back: The Mental GameAt another event, I watched my buddy wolf down a cheeseburger right in front of me. I had a chicken salad. Kevin MillerKevin Miller
Fat 2 Back: Secrets of Meal PrepFat 2 Back: Secrets of Meal PrepExperts say commitment is a big part of losing weight. I humbly admit that I've needed the folks mentioned above who continued to encourage me. I hope to be an example to encourage others. We're all in this together.Kevin MillerKevin Miller
Fat2Back: The New NormalFat2Back: The New Normal My choice is that if I want to live a healthier life then good food is in and bad food is out. It's not easy, but neither are the consequences. Kevin MillerKevin Miller
How A Heart Test Can Save Your LifeHow A Heart Test Can Save Your LifeI'm beginning to documenting my journey in the hopes that you’ll join me.Kevin MillerKevin Miller