We have ZERO support from any of the command from the very Top to include the Governor and Generals in charge or even the Senior enlisted, they are all pretty much shrug their shoulders and say get it or else.
The detail will include Nation Guardsmen, the U.S. Secret Service, the Capitol Police, the DC Police, Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and other unnamed law enforcement organization.
Kevin broadcasts his show live from Team Mazda.. Today's guests: 6:am - Michael Daugherty of Cyber Defense Magazine ; 8:am - Maj Gen Gary Sayler with an update on the Air National Guard at Gowen Field in Boise. The host also talks to Canyon County dignitaries throughout the show...
The Idaho National Guard, along with Idaho’s Morale Welfare Recreation and Support our Troops programs held a special event Thursday evening announcing plans for an open house, Oct. 14 and 15, 2017.
The purpose of Thursday’s Gowen Thunder 2017 Premiere was to present the open house plan and to reveal the air demonstration teams scheduled to participate in October