In a thrilling finale that had Treasure Valley residents on the edge of their seats, two Idahoans, Joel Strasser of Kuna and Garrett Smith of Meridian...
During an era saturated with unrelatable icons and influencers removed from quaint concepts like bills and budgets, we find Romero's affordable and oh-so-adorable style refreshing.
"With an area of 83,570 square miles (216,400 km2), Idaho is the 11th largest state by land area" -Wikipedia - So who owns the most? Check out the top 4 biggest land owners in Idaho and the top three in the United States.
Lori, who seemed like your average suburban mom is linked to a series of deaths surrounding her family. Now the trial is officially underway and nearing the close. Idaho is a death penalty state and wants to charge Lori to the fullest.
Due to Covid spikes resulting in staff shortages and health and safety concerns, the Caldwell School District has decided to cancel school and close for the next couple of days. Students are already off Monday so this makes for a 5 day stretch.