Mitt Romney

Israel Attacked Kevin Miller Hotlist Edition
So much for lower gas prices this Summer. First the Syrian Government is fighting a civil war. Then Iraq blows up with the Sunnis battling the Shia. Now it's Israrel verses the terrorist. Thank goodness we have John Kerry as our Secretary of State to handle this mess...

Kevin Miller Hotlist Sean Hannity Edition
It's the weekend edition of the Kevin Miller Hotlist and in honor of the good times ahead we dedicate today's Hotlist to KIDO's Sean Hannity. Whether it's Radio or other outlets, Sean has something to say and we're happy to have him on 580 KIDO...

Kevin Miller Hotlist Mitt was Right Edition
Hindsight is always twenty twenty in life and politics. How many folks who are unemployed or who are paying higher prices for their healthcare would like a do over vote? Well that's not going to happen, but Mitt Romney was right about a lot of things and that's why he earns the title of today's hotlist...

Look For Mr. Right
We hear it every election cycle, this election is the most important one in our lifetime. Then we vote and have to live with the consequences. This time it is the most important election for one political party in Idaho and the country. Can you guess which one?