Does anyone ever get to question a candidate running for state office in bigger states like California and New York? It's about big money ad buys at that level. The people are removed from the process.
Today's guests: 6:am - U.S. Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire discusses the results of that state's primary election; 7:am - William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee ( with commentary on the NH primary; 7:36am - Mickey of Mickey Ray's restaurant; 8:am - Mike Tracy of Tracy Consultants joins Kevin in studio to discuss politics; 8:36am - Fox News Ra
Today's guests: 6:am - Author Brion McClanahan talks about his new book, "9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America—And Four Who Tried to Save Her" ; 7:am - DC McAllister from explores the question, should women be required to sign up for selective service...
Today's guests: 6:10am - Fox News Radio's Tonya J Powers has a preview of the New Hampshire Primary; 6:36am - Lauren Lyons Cole from the International Business Times with tips on how to ask for a raise at work; 7:am - Longtime Boise financial planner and radio talk show host Dave Petso with his weekly market outlook; 7:35am - Founder of the Boise & Treasure Valley History facebook page, Br