The attorneys for Bowe Bergdahl have asked President Obama to pardon the Idaho Native before President Trump takes office. Do you believe Bowe should get a presidential pardon? Let us know what you think!
Did President Obama tell an undocumented reporter to vote and not worry about the consequences? Check out the video below and let Kevin Miller know what you think!
Wednesday 09/14/16.. Today's guests: 6:am - Fox News Radio's Jeff Monosso reports on the trial of several ranchers who occupied BLM land outside of Burns, Oregon earlier this year ; 6:36am - Tonya J Powers also of Fox News says the NY Toy Hall of Fame has announced finalists for this year's class ; 7:am - Fox News' Rachel Sutherland follows the Trump and Clinton campaigns ; 7:36am - Sutherland's
It's back to school season. Before you know it, it's be time to look out for kids, school buses and back to school specials. When we last left the classroom, the president decreed that schools should allow transgender student to use the bathroom of their choice, or else. Now the Supreme Court has weighed in, what do you think?
Wednesday 08/03/16.. Today's guests: 6:am - Fox News Radio's Jessica Golloher has the latest on Syria; 7:am - Rachel Alexander of The Stream ( says Satanists want equal access to school kids; 7:36am - Fox News Radio's Jon Decker follows the president; 8:am - Phil Hardy from Strategies360 joins Kevin in studio to talk politics for the hour...
Tuesday night will mark the last time President Obama travels to Capitol Hill to address both houses of Congress for his annual State of the Union speech. Aides have announced that the speech will focus mainly on the president's optimistic outlook about America's future, along with a look back at his administration's achievements.
Today's guests: 6:40am - Fox News reporter Jared Halpern on Sen. Rand Paul's presidential bid; 7:am - Greg Pruett of the Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance reviews concealed carry legislation in Idaho; 7:40am - Rachel Sutherland of Fox News with more on Obama's deal with Iran; 8:am - Julie Lynde of Cornerstone Family Council reviews this legislative session from a family values-point of view.
Today's guests: 6:am - David Ripley from Idaho Chooses Life; 6:40am - Fox News' Rachel Sutherland reports ISIS will be the topic for Congress; 7:am - Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch; 7:40am - Simon Owen of Fox News reports on Ukraine; 8:am - Michael Brickman from the Fordham Institute discusses Common Core.
President Obama is coming to Idaho less than twenty-four hours after making his second to last State of the Union Speech to the nation. The happy press nationally and locally have missed the reason the president is here. Yes, stories of ticket sales and happy supporters are nice...