Avoid The Killers That Are on the Loose in CaliforniaAvoid The Killers That Are on the Loose in CaliforniaThere are currently killers on the loose in California who should not be approached and many are afraid of if they do.JeffJeff
5 Tips To Avoid Wasps In Idaho This Summer5 Tips To Avoid Wasps In Idaho This SummerI have many fears. The long list includes: heights, the dark, tornadoes, rejection, and most of all...bees. Well, to be more specific, wasps. The way their dangly legs hover while they fly is very scary to me. I shutter thinking about them...CortCort
Murder Hornets in the NorthwestMurder Hornets in the Northwest The challenge is that officials are doing their best to find more of these hornets before they multiple and make their way across the country.Kevin MillerKevin Miller
‘Killer Hornets Arrive in the Northwest’‘Killer Hornets Arrive in the Northwest’The flying menace was cited in Custer, Washington. Kevin MillerKevin Miller