Wednesday 09/26/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin broadcasts live from Independence Indoor Shooting in Meridian in support of our 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms.. Kevin Miller interviews several folks who stop in to speak their mind and shoot their favorite firearms for free. Kevin Miller begins to take calls concerning several issues. The first topic was the latest in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. He then shared with the KIDO Talk Radio audience the United Nations Members reacting to President Donald Trump's speech before them yesterday. Kevin Miller took calls on those topics and the sentenacning of America's Dad, Bill Cosby. Today's guests: 6:35am - Fox News Radio's Rachel Sutherland has the latest on Judge Kavanaugh ; 7 a.m. - Greg Pruett of the Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance joins Kevin in person ; 7:35am - Fox News' Tonya J Powers has a follow up report on President Trump's meetings at the U.N. ; 8 a.m. - Dan Stein of the Federation for American Immigration Reform ( ; 8:35am - Fox News Radio's Jon Decker reports live from the White House.
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