Wow, that went fast.... a great debate that focused on the issues and not the personalities of the moderators...

Gilmore: serious challenges, nation must change, time for real substance and real experience,

Patki why me?  I'm different, taxes higher, nothing changes, won a deep blue state three times, can govern by bringing people together, NY stronger and safer, no talk, time for action,

Graham there are no moderates in Iran, we need a president that can solve our problems and bring us together, path to success,

Fiorina I am not a member of the political class, goes after Clinton, asks for support..vows to throw every punch and not stumble, says she can win this job and do this job

Jindal says they're great talkers running, we need a doer not a talker, smacks Bush for being part of the establishment, says immigrants need to be assimilated... Join a cause believe  in America again.

Santorum tells everyone that he has seven kids, mentions Trump on immigration and goes after the culture of Washington, says he'll work for the American Worker, bring back jobs, stop illegal immigration

Perry touts his Texas record on education and the economy... says he'll give Americans hope... He delivered it and didn't talk about it... our best days are in front of us... put America back on track... manufacturing will flow back into this country


Hemmer asking for a two word description of Hillary Clinton:  Patki  divisive and no vision, Fiorina not trustworthy and no accomplishment, Santorum secretive and untrustworthy, Perry good at email, Jindal socialist and government dependents, Graham not the change we need at a time we need it, Gilmore professional politician that can't be trusted,

Graham... uh oh, wait a nice salute to the military... says Social Security and other programs will go broke if not fixed... he'll put the country ahead of the party..

Maccallum... Fiorina.. can you inspire the nation like Reagan, Kennedy, etc..?  She replies, says she'll do it, however I don't know if she answered the question, same question to Santorum, why don't they just answer the question instead of going over their resume?  Oh boy, a simple yes or no would suffice... next...

Hemmer rabid fire. first executive order... Gilmore says Obama's executive order on the illegals is illegal, Graham change the Mexico City Policy, Fund the NSA,  Jindal repeal all Obama's Executive Orders and go after sanctuary cities and the IRS, Perry, Tear up Iran deal and secure border, Santorum... repeal regulations that cost jobs, protect religious liberty, repeal Obama's executive orders, Fiorina ditto, uh she goes past the bell, where's the hook?  Patki hiring freeze except for military,

Graham on defunding Planned Parenthood, says it's not a war on women, Americans should not be harvesting organs of little babies, somehow he goes back to sending troops to the Middle East?  Look for him to bail soon...

Jindal says he'll investigate PP with the DOJ and every government entity...time for the GOP in DC to fight, goes over how GOP fails to fight for the people,

Pro Choice Patki is asked about Planned Parenthood Decision...says he's a Catholic and pro choice, says Roe V Wade has been the law for 42 years, defund PP, says videos are horrific, says abortion should be outlawed after 20 weeks,

Gilmore on SCOTUS Litmus Test, says Justices should follow the law and not interpret the law.  Says Iran is the expansionist power, proposes a Middle East NATO...

Hemmer on the Supreme Court to Santorum...same sex marriage.. Santorum compares gay marriage to Dredd Scott decision, calls SCOTUS a rogue SCOTUS decision, brings up Planned Parenthood Videos, sometimes you have to stand up to the court.

Fiorina says she'll call Israel and Iran with demands for real inspections,  says the money flow has to be stopped, America will be back in the leadership business.  Iran is at the heart of the evil that is going on in that region...

Maccallum to Perry On Iran, Perry says we need to send a clear message to the region..points out the money went to a nation that killed our Marines, Congress should say NO, BUT HELL NO, first thing he'll do is tear up Iranian Agreement.

Hey a Willow Curve commercial with Chuck Woolery.. Drug Free Pain Relief for the digital age!  Break out the dancing girls..

Hemmer goes to Patki with the same question.. agrees that medicaid should not be expanded...So far this debate is what I expected...Hemmer and Maccallum Rock.. it's all about the issues, I doubt tonight's will be the same..

Hemmer to Jindal...on Medicaid expansion... Jindal says Clinton/Obama are working hard to transform the American Dream into the European Nightmare... Too many people in the cart, it's not free money,  stops culture of government dependency..

Gilmore vows tax cuts for everyone ... a  new triple tax code for everyone!  10%, 15%, 20%..proposes to reverse Obama Care..

Santorum says he'll create more jobs, introduces 20/20 plan on taxes, IRS, 20 percent flat rate tax, combined with welfare reform...

Maccallum to Graham.. he talks about Keystone policy, says Clinton represents the third term of a failed presidency, says Clinton is not a good choice, Graham vows to do everything to protect America..

Back to the Hammer errrr Bill Hemmer to Santorum on Immigration... Santorum talks about his Dad's immigration experience.  Santorum says we are a nation of laws, says he'll reduce level of immigration by 25 percent.

Hemmer to Perry, what do you say to family of illegals, Perry responds, American People will never trust Washington DC, he says he has the most experience in dealing with the illegals, vows to put up the fence, aviation, and personnel on the border...


Maccallum to Fiorina... security or freedom on technology?  Explains that it's time to tear down the Chinese and Russian Cyber Walls.  Both country are attacking us like ISIS, she vows to encourage collaboration between public and private sector..

Gilmore chimes in... says he warned about 911 before 911 attacked happened.  Says there will be further America.

Maccallum to Patki, how far are you willing to go to stop terrorism at home?  Mosques under surveillance?  Patacki says he'd do everything he could to stop ISIS, shutdown there internet, no radical Islam is allowed, that is not protected speech...says ISIS training camps have to be destroyed in the Middle East

Gotta love the Meta Mucil commercials... Fiber is good!

Hemmer asks Graham about ISIS... Graham says if we don't get them there, they're coming here, he calls them ISIL, says Syria is becoming a platform to attack America, according to the FBI...First Commercial Break!

Hemmer asks Jindal about ISIS... Jindal goes over the pathetic Obama Foreign Policy, vows to take handcuffs off of military, arm the Kurds, go to Congress, and asks military for plan to win...

Uh oh, here comes the Trump question, ahhh Rick Perry... Goes after Trump on single payer health care, credits celebrity of Trump compares him to Fred Thompson and Rudy G...Maccallum to others...Carly... is Trump getting the better of you?  She replies that she didn't call Bill Clinton for advice.  Asks what are the Trump principles of governance?

Hemmer to Gilmore...You haven't held office in 13 years, why run?  Gilmore wants to reverse the Clinton / Obama decline...

George Patki is next up and gets his question from Maccallum....4 years ago you called it quit in 2012, does the party need new blood?  The governor explains why he dropped out of the race four years ago.  He criticizes the age of the political soundbite.


3pm Kickoff... Hemmer goes to Perry.. on the economy... why should we vote for you?  Perry:  Perry, with glasses, goes over Texas record, 1.5 million jobs added during the recession..

Maccallum to Fiorina... can you success... Fiorina goes over her record, says commander in chief has to know how the world works,  vows to hold people accountable...

Hemmer to Santorum... has your moment passed?  Santorum reviews his primary wins last cycle, touts his populism, vows to fight for the little people...

Maccallum to Jindal... you're trailing Hillary in Louisana, how can you beat her nationally?  Jindal talks about cutting government, school choice, most pro life state six years in a row.

Hemmer to Graham,,on climate can you be trusted... Graham previews a Clinton Presidency...

Getting ready to see who will make the biggest impact.  Will it be Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, Jim Gilmore, Lindsey Graham, or Carly Fiorina?  Bryon York of the Washington Examiner tells the big Fox this debate is a very big deal.  The debate is being hosted by Bill Hemmer and Martha Maccallum.  (Hemmer asks the best questions in my opinion.


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