If you use it and you tend to avoid grabbing your mail until you see something important, the United States Postal Service NEEDS you to check your mailbox this week!
They’ll no doubt appreciate your token of appreciation, but if they work for the United States Postal Service they may refuse to accept it because doing so could be illegal.
One of the United States hardest mail routs is over 100 years old and only goes once a week through Hells Canyon. A couple has been doing the rout for over 30 years and now tours take you along for the journey every Wednesday.
Travel is expensive. What if you just want your kiddo to visit grandma but cant afford it? This Idaho couple got creative. The United States Postal Service Parcel Post started getting underway in 1913. At the beginning there was little to no rules on what you could or couldn't ship. The only real rule was that there was a 50 pound limit on anything you wanted to ship.