Having seen Spider-Man: Far From Home already (you can read my review here), it is easy to see some spots where stuff got cut out, particularly in the early scenes. The movie very quickly gets Peter Parker from his home in Queens out to Europe, where his main adventure begins. In the interview with director Jon Watts we’ll publish early next week, he talked about some of the scenes that were deleted from the movie, including a montage that was supposed to take place before Peter heads to Europe, and outlined exactly what he had to do to get ready for his trip.

As it turns out, though, way more material than that ended up getting cut out of the film. The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Dan Lebental, one of the film’s editors, at the Spider-Man: Far From Home premiere, and he said that a much-longer version of the film could theoretically exist:

‘We may have some amazing things that didn’t make it, but only because the greater good requires it,’ Lebental says of stuff left on the cutting room floor. ‘There’s a good 3-and-a-half hour movie out there somewhere floating in the atmosphere, but where we got it to, I’m very proud of.’

Given that the finished film runs about two hours and ten minutes, that’s a ton of unused material that was removed. Some of it might be alternate takes of what’s in the movie — but that still leaves a fair amount of stuff that was removed completely. In the end, I can’t fault anyone for trimming the movie down — it works well at 130 minutes — but I would be very interested to see the stuff that wound up on the cutting room floor someday.

Spider-Man: Far From Home opens in theaters next Friday.

Gallery — How Every Avenger’s Costume Evolved From Movie to Movie:


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