8 Words That Should Be Completely Banned in WA
Things That Make Us CRINGE for $200, Alex…
I am dying to know what words you think should be banned in Washington state. To be quite frank with you, 9 times out of 10, some of these words and phrases were lifted from the dialogs of inner city youth, the LGBTQ community, and/or your child’s middle school hallway. Here are 8 annoying words and phrases that should be completely banned in Washington.
These 8 annoying words and phrases listed below have been taken directly from what I have heard plenty of people living in Washington say to me and others. I was not born or raised in Washington, but even I have lived here long enough to agree with banning these words and phrases 100 percent.
1 . Bussin
What started off as a slang word used amongst urban youth to describe food that is super yummy has been usurped by the masses. It is often misused and the word has definitely been abused. Let’s ban anybody over age 17 from saying the word bussin.
2 . Washingtonian
We know that every state has a word to describe the people residing within it, but the word Washingtonian seems to rub a lot of people living in Washington the wrong way. Let’s just ban the word altogether.
3 . Warshington
There is NO R in Washington. Nuff said.
RELATED: 12 Things People Say to Washingtonians That Make Them Roll Their Eyes
4 . “It’s LIT.”
You do not sound hip when you use this word, so can we please ban it? Saying “It’s Lit!” is so 2021.
5 . PIKES Place
There is NO S in Pike Place. Newbies to Washington state will easily make this mistake. Tourists and new residents should be banned from calling Pike Place Market, “Pikes Place”.
We get it, you don’t like the Seattle Seahawks football team. But you don’t sound funny when you call them the Sea Chickens. There is nothing scary about our defense! Have you SEEN Gabe Jackson? I mean, come on. He could probably crush you without blinking.
7 . Irregardless
Irregardless is not a word. What you’re trying to say is “REgardless”, because the “less” on the end of the word already indicates no regard. So when you say irregardless, you are not making logical sense and we just need to go ahead and ban this word from your vocabulary.
8 . Conversate
Does anybody else make this face when someone says “conversate” in a conversation?
The word fetch conversate is never going to happen. Consider it banned.
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