What Would You Do? Job Offers to Pay in Chicken Sandwiches in Idaho
What would you do? What would you do if you were offered food instead of money to work your job? Would it matter if it is a second job? Do the hours matter? It may seem like an odd offer and something that is an easy answer, but it may not be as easy as it seems. This is a real offer that happened recently, and it has many scratching their head and wondering, what they would do if they were offered the job, but were paid in sandwiches instead of dollar bills.
Chick-Fil-A Offers to Pay Employees in Chicken Sandwiches
Recently, a Chick-Fil-A in Hendersonville, North Carolina made headlines by looking to hire employees for a 'volunteer' position to work their drive-thru and instead of paying them money would pay them five chicken sandwiches per hour. It has raised quite the controversy but does raise the question of if anyone would take this deal. While Chick-Fil-A is very good and their sandwiches are delicious the thought of them being payment may be tough for many to stomach. For a young kid, it could make for a good first job to teach them work effort and responsibility, without worrying about them doing something dumb with their first income.
Working for Chicken Sandwiches
Getting sandwiches won't pay for gas, rent, or taking someone on a date, but if you have a full-time job, and are looking to perhaps save some money, this job could work. The length of shifts would determine how well this works. Asking someone to come in for the lunch rush for an hour or two is justified or the dinner rush, but asking someone to work a five to eight-hour shift, is where problems occur. If someone can work a full-time job, get off work and help out during the dinner rush for two hours and go home with ten chicken sandwiches, they can eat for free for a few meals and pay the bills. If someone is asked to work a five to eight-hour shift, it makes it more difficult to work another job, as well as 25 to 40 sandwiches is a lot, even when feeding a family. The only justified way to work that many hours is if you are hosting a large gathering and wanting to feed everyone for free.

Depending on the parameters, I could see myself agreeing to work a couple of two-hour shifts a week and bring home around twenty sandwiches. It would feed my family and myself for a couple of dinners and lunches once reheated. That is the only way I could see myself accepting this deal. If I were to lose my job tomorrow, I wouldn't give it a second thought, as I would need to find a source of income that isn't edible. It is an interesting proposition and there has been backlash for a reason. If offered to work at Chick-Fil-A for chicken sandwiches, what would you do?