Kevin visits Eagle High School - the next stop on his Fall 2017 "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future" campaign. Interviews with Principal Terry Beck, teachers Anna Howard, Greg Harm, Jeff Ranstrom, Seth McMullen, TJ Eriksen, Chris Dempsey as well as several students...
One of Kevin Miller's favorite stops - Eagle High School hosts the show this morning as "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future" rolls on. Listeners are treated to arrangements by the Eagle High School Jazz Band and Choir.. Interviews with Vice Principals Greg Kiester and Bob Hyde, Debate Coach Herby Kojima, Government teacher Gary Gorrell and students involved in those activities...
Thanks to everyone from Eagle High who shared with us their daily schedules and commitment to local education. Check out the photos of our morning at Eagle High School here.
Tuesday 11/08/16.. Eagle High School hosts KIDO for the day. It's school #8 in Kevin Miller's Fall '16 "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future" campaign. Interviews with staff, students and parents. Plus, listeners are treated to the sounds of the Eagle High School Jazz Band...
Eagle High School was our final high school of the Spring Season. Check out the video and congratulations to all of the graduates in the Treasure Valley!
Thanks to the staff and students at Eagle High School for hosting our promote our schools and secure are future last Friday. Check out the photos from our broadcast here.
Friday 05/13/16... Eagle High School hosts Kevin today - the next to the last stop on Miller's Spring "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future" campaign. Interviews with Principal Terry Beck, teachers, coaches and student council members. Also, listeners are treated to several tunes from the Eagle High School Varsity Jazz Band and Men's Choir...