Whether we like it or not, social media influences many lives every day. Think about how often you tell yourself you're going to bed early and instead, you find yourself "doom scrolling" before realizing it's WAY past your bedtime.

We can't say we blame you, there is a lot of content out there. One of the more popular things people watch on social media is ways to make life easier or "hacks."

But don't believe everything you see.

"It's on the internet so it must be true..."

Nowadays, it can be difficult to differentiate what's real and what isn't. Video/photo editing has come a long way and some people are willing to use those skills to spread misinformation.

We came across one post in particular that shows how to keep your bathroom smelling fresh and not only is the information false, it can end up costing you a pretty penny.

The post we saw came from a Facebook page known as "Mary's Kitchen" but we've seen this exact same post circulating on different pages and being shared among our Idaho friends:

How am I just learning this now? Pour a cup of laundry detergent/softener in the tank of the toilet. The detergent will sink to the bottom and remain in the tank. Each time you flush, a sweet aroma will be released in the tank, and the whole bathroom will smell amazing; It will slowly dissolve and will even last longer. It won't damage your toilet or the septic system.

Something didn't seem right about this so we looked into it and sure enough, putting detergent in your toilet tank is not a good idea.

One simple Google search will debunk this "hack" and one of the sources we found says that putting detergent in the toilet tank can clog your toilet and pipes... and that's not all.

The detergent can apparently "devastate the beneficial bacteria" in your septic system and reduce its effectiveness.

Remember to always fact-check "hacks" for your home before trying it out!

Use These 2 Brilliant Life Hacks to Save Money on Gas in Boise

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Freeze it and they will eat it. Kids love popsicles and moms love a snack hack, so frozen anything is pretty much a win. The most clever ideas make snacking fun and at least a little healthy, and they require very little effort on mom's part.

Gallery Credit: Jen Austin - Townsquare Media

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