They aren't all the same. There are good trucks, and there are bad trucks; and then there are the trucks that are kind of in between. You know? Trucks...
You may have absolutely no idea what a catalytic converter is or why having one on your vehicle is important. You are, however, very aware that it’s something thieves may want to swipe from your vehicle.
In Idaho there are more trucks than cars. I don’t know that for sure, but I feel like that’s gotta be right! Maybe that's why all of the most popular used...
Late last year, an insurance website named QuoteWizard, published a list titled "The Best and Worst Drivers by State 2022." Idahoans should be a little embarrassed by where we ended up.
We took to social media to ask you, the people, which vehicles you absolutely cannot stand on the roads of the Treasure Valley. Which vehicles made the list?
There’s been a huge uprise in vehicle break-ins throughout the Boise area, and it’s unfortunate, but they’re becoming increasingly popular, so it’s best to...