The Original Stretchlace to Appear on Shark Tank
We're a little over a week away from Boise based the Original Stretchlace company appearing on ABC's Shark Tank. We detail the history of Idaho based businesses that have appeared on the show here.
The Process
Jamie Montz, the owner of the Orginal Stretchlace, shared her experience with us. "Experiencing the adventure that is Shark Tank is the most gratifying event of my career. The entire process changes you and pushes the boundaries of comfort. It was a mind-opening experience both personally and professionally. By far, it's been the most challenging thing I've ever done, but I would do it again in a heartbeat!"
Her appearance began like all of ours, as a dream that would become a reality. She tells us that she applied online, and some folks get called back, and some do not. Nothing is guaranteed on Shark Tank, including appearing on the show. Some entrepreneurs have applied for years before finally getting their chance in the 'tank.'
Making The Cut
Jamie shares her experience of making the 'Shark Tank' cut. She tells us it was a long process that wasn't easy. "I was a big fan while I was working for other companies. I believe that between 30,000-40,000 apply every year.
The show then whittles it down to 1,000 people who are asked to submit a video pitch. She says she must've gotten lucky because the show liked her video. The application process was far from over for her. The next step including another video presentation, signing a nondisclosure form or NDA, and more paperwork.
Covid Impacts Production
This season of Shark Tank took place in a Las Vegas Hotel and Casino. The entire complex was sealed off to the general public to keep the talent, production, and staff safe. Jamie describes what it was like living in the quarantine bubble. "The production staff was extremely diligent. We were in our hotel room for ten days and couldn't leave. Everything was delivered to us. It was a challenging experience waiting to go on while everyone was careful due to Covid. The hair and makeup people were wearing double masks."
Scouting the Sharks
The Original Stretchlace owner did her homework on the sharks. She shares that being on the show is a different experience from watching the show for entertainment. Jamie explains, "I learned so much by looking into the backgrounds of each shark. I have a new appreciation for them. It's different looking at the show when you realize how it's going to impact your business. She did reveal that Kevin O'Leary AKA Mr. Wonderful lived up to his reputation.
The Big Stage
What's it like facing sharks Mark Cuban, Robert Herjavec, Lori Greiner, Kevin O'Leary, and Daniel Lubetzky? "Surreal is an understatement,' she explains. She continues, "I feel I blacked out, I don't know what I'm saying, and I go on autopilot. She says she felt like she looked like "doe-eyed, and her mouth was wide open catching flies." The doors swing open, and you see the sharks; your brain is shocked and asks yourself, am I really here?"
After the Pitch
Jamie says that you leave, and you're sworn to secrecy. If you make the show eventually, ABC will call you with a release date. She revealed that the only reason she's sharing her story before it airs is that she appeared in a commercial for this season of Shark Tank. "My friends asked me if that was me, and after I looked for it, I found myself on Instagram."
Advice from the Tank
What's the best advice if you want to be an entrepreneur? Jamie says, "it's easier said than done." She continues, "you can't get anything until you put that first step forward, you have to make the first step, and the first step isn't always sexy."
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