Idaho Republicans Ran on Freedom: Their Need For Control is Gross
It's been a contentious past twelve months and it seems that even though it was an election year, the election cycle and its rhetoric continue to get more and more 'out there'. If you look back at presidential debates twelve years ago or more, you're bound to see two candidates from two very different political parties debating issues, dancing around a full answer, but still respecting one another.
That just isn't the case these days. Many still remember the late John McCain standing up for his then opponent, Barack Obama, when a woman denounced him for being a 'threat' and a 'muslim'. Now, debates are like two first graders fighting on a playground.
The election cycle is over--voters have chosen their candidates, and Donald Trump has returned to the White House, making history as the first convicted felon to ever hold the office.
What many forget on Presidential election years is that while yes, the office of President and Vice President are very important, its local elections that often impact citizens the most. Those local elections happened here in Idaho this past November, too.
On just the second day of the 2025 legislative session, Republicans who campaigned on 'freedom' were quick to stand for everything but.
Republican Heather Scott put together a 'joint memorial' to reject a 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage in the United State of America. Scott will likely tote her love for 'freedom' but apparently she doesn't believe that said freedoms apply to Idaho residents who live their lives, pay their taxes, and choose to love who they love.
Another bill was presented to the legislature shortly after the year began to prohibit 'political flags' in Idaho Public Schools. Republicans often implied this was to protect kids from things such as the 'pride flag' but didn't have much to say about other flags.
Is this 'flag issue' really what the people in Idaho care about? Does this help anyone? We'll let you be the judge.
It has no force of law. The courts are going to toss it in the trash. It really accomplishes nothing. It's a waste of time and money.
Here's the truth: he's right. Passing this 'movement' to beg the United States Supreme Court to reverse their decision does absolutely nothing in the grand scheme. Unfortunately, over these past few weeks, the only thing that it has done is make a lot of people sad, afraid, or angry. That isn't good for community.
Expect their motion to pass--it's being debated along party lines and the Republicans in Idaho have a sweeping majority. Find us a Republican that isn't afraid of straying from this vein in a party dominated by Donald Trump and the 'I'm more conservative than you' era.
Who is to decide the 'moral compass' of Idaho? Folks like Heather Scott who believe it's her way or the highway--waving Bibles and guns around while claiming to stand for individual freedom and less government? Something about that seems off.
All of this in a state where parents can allow their 16-year-old children to be married? Hmm.
Here's an idea: why can't we all just be a little more kind, a little more accepting, a little less nosey and a lot more American-- a land of diversity (whoops, is that a banned word) and opportunity for all.
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Gallery Credit: Mateo, 103.5 KISS FM
The Idaho Democrat Converting Republicans
Gallery Credit: Credit: Mateo, 103.5 KISS FM
The Big Three Idaho Republicans Telling You To Vote for A Democrat
Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller