Idaho Weather Warning! Excessively Hot Temperatures This Weekend
Welcome to July in Idaho, where the temperatures are routinely in the triple digits. Every Idahoan knows it was only a matter of time before the usual run of temperatures soaring over one hundred degrees would finally arrive in the Gem State.
This weekend every weather forecaster warns that temperatures will exceed one hundred degrees. The good news is that we don't live in Arizona, where the temperatures have hit historic highs hovering in the one hundred twenty-degree range.
Thankfully Idaho doesn't have the power challenges of Texas, California, and other states. Can you imagine what it must be like for folks routinely enduring rolling blackouts due to power shortages?
Before we continue, salute the hardworking folks in the HVAC field who will be working triple overtime servicing air conditioners that suddenly have issues. Also, please keep reading our profile to all the outside workers working in these dangerous temperatures.
How Hot Will It Get This Weekend?
That is the million-dollar question, let's take a look at the most accurate updated forecast at the time of this publication.
Hot To Stay Safe in Excessive Heat
It would be ideal if we could all stay in our air-conditioned cocoon bubble, however sooner or later, we'll all have to go outside. Heat injuries can impact folks in different and dangerous ways. Let's examine what happens when your body gets overheated.
There are three conditions that outside workers have to contend with to avoid severe injuries due to working outside when the temperature is more than one hundred degrees. The body does its best to keep itself cool by sweating; when you lose the ability to sweat, your body begins to overheat.
Heat cramps happen after exercise or work when the large muscles begin to cramp up. Experts urge proper hydration and electrolytes to help the body cope with recovering during the hot temperatures.
Heat exhaustion is defined: As dehydration intensifies beyond the commonly experienced heat cramps, heat exhaustion may occur. Characterized by symptoms that include cool skin with goosebumps, headache, faintness, rapid pulse, nausea, and cramping amongst other signs, combating heat exhaustion requires spending time in a cool place while replenishing fluids
Heatstroke is when the body cannot cool itself down and it at a temperature of over 105 degrees. Death or a coma may result in this condition and experts say victims should be taken to a hospital immediately. For more tips on fighting the heat, please click the link here.
Please stay safe and thank you for all your work!