Idahoans Are Getting Freaky in These 10 Public Places [Photos]
Some hallway banter at our offices recently sparked a conversation: growing up in the Treasure Valley, where would you sneak off to in the middle of the night? As teenagers, sneaking around at night to smoke a cigarette, drink a cheap beer, or "make-out" with the person you're dating that week is normal, right?
Well, we asked you on social media where those places were. While many accused us of being undercover cops, we really just wanted to have some fun.
Did any of the comments or messages suggest a place that you have "snuck off to" before?
Boise's Most Promiscuous Places
Late last year, a popular dispensary in Oregon shared a video of some great "sesh" spots-- satirically of course. Needless to say, some of their suggestions were the same as yours. Are we sensing a trend?
What is a "Sesh spot"? Well, according to Urban Dictionary it's a place to do something illegal. You can connect the dots.
Be Aware: It’s Illegal to do *THIS* on the Boise River Greenbelt
TRUE OR FALSE: Can You Guess Which Idaho Laws Are Real?
These 5 Beers Are Technically Illegal in the State of Idaho