Don’t You Think It’s Too Early for Halloween in the Boise Area?
Y’all I was at Costco the other day and to my surprise, not only were there shelves stocked with Halloween decorations and supplies, but there were already plenty of Christmas items for sale, too! What the actual heck?! It’s still summer people!
I know there’s probably two very opinionated sides to this coin, but I’m definitely on the side that thinks it’s way too early to be selling Halloween and Christmas stuff already. I mean come on, we’re not even halfway through August yet.
For me personally, I’m probably very bias because this reminds me of work that I used to do haha! For many years, I helped run a wildly popular haunted straw maze in Southeast Idaho, and it was usually August when we got to work building the maze and setting everything up. So, for me, Halloween started in August every year and continued through November.
While I much prefer Halloween being an October-specific holiday, there is one really good thing about seeing Halloween in the stores already, and that is it gets me really excited for Fall. After the extremely hot Summer we’ve been having, I personally can’t wait for Idaho Fall weather, and that’s just around the corner!