What was originally established as a tuberculosis sanatorium in the early 20th century, offering treatment and care for patients suffering from the disease, Tranquille in British Columbia, is now one of the spookiest and most unusual stories about Kamloops. The site eventually evolved over the years and expanded to include a farm, a hospital, and a residential facility for mentally disabled individuals.

The tuberculosis hospital opened in 1907 and was officially called the Kind Edward Memorial Sanatorium. Eventually, after much needed expansion, it had up to 360 beds. Tunnels were built underneath for easy transportation of laundry and other goods and now has become one of the main attractions to those visiting the property. T

Also located on the property is a cemetery which adds to the spookiness of the property and the land it sits on. The tunnels were also used to transport bodies out to the cemetery. They closed the doors in 1958 but reopened in 1959 to treat people with mental disabilities and eventually closed permanently in 1983.

Ghost and horror-story seeking people from all over the world have sought out the sanatorium. It's said to be "Canada's most haunted location," Tranquille Sanatorium has undoubtedly seen its share of death and dismay. According to US Ghost Adventures, "Some patrons experience disembodied moans and groans that are certainly not part of the historic tour given of the hospital, and others have even reported seeing apparitions wandering the grounds as well as orbs flitting around the property and hallways of the massive structure."

If you're seeking a thrill, a scare, or wanting to do some ghost hunting, they do offer tours of the Tranquille Sanatorium.

Tranquille Sanatorium

Said to be "Canada's most haunting location," here's inside the Tranquille Sanatorium in British Columbia. It's about 6 hours away from the Idaho/Canada border.

Why This Cemetery Is The Most Haunted In All Of Idaho (VIDEO)

This video of Canyon Hill Cemetery makes a strong case for being one of the most haunted in all of Idaho...

Joplin Cemetery: Idaho's Most Unique Burial Grounds

Joplin's Cemetery - Est. 1882 - Eagle, Idaho

"To the memory of the pioneer families who came to this valley in 1880. This sacred place is reserved and perpetuated as they found it. Dry and desolate, many were the hardships and privations endured. Dedicated to the spirit of the old timers and pioneers."
 Scroll on for a unique tour of Idaho's most interesting cemetery!

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