In this fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the moment, especially if you're surrounded by friends and/or family. Some of us get "lost in the sauce" and wind up losing something important or valuable to us.

Boise's Lost & Found Has Some Pretty Valuable Items Waiting To Be Claimed

Boise's Craigslist is typically known as a place to connect with others for a job/gig or find stuff to take off people's hands. Recently, we rummaged through the lost and found section of Boise's Craigslist and we found some items that we know people are missing immensely.

Among those items are means of transportation, car keys, and even a pair of shoes. Do any of these items belong to you? Let's look through eleven extremely valuable items we found on Craigslist that are waiting to be claimed...

11 Extremely Valuable Items In Boise's Lost & Found

Are you missing any of these items listed in Boise's lost and found?

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

It's actually really comforting to know that there are honest people in the Treasure Valley who aren't keeping lost items for themselves. Boise's Craigslist isn't just a good place to reunite with lost items (or pets) either, it's also an amazing place to find a good deal on some unique collectibles.

Here are some of the amazing collectible discoveries we made when sifting through Boise's Craigslist.

The Top 10 Collectibles We Found in Boise's Craigslist

We found some pretty interesting collectibles for sale in Boise's Craiglist and some of them could continue to go up in value.

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

Now, we've talked about inanimate objects but what about people? No, we're not saying people are selling people on Craigslist but there is a fun little section known as "Missed Connections." This is where people gamble big on reuniting with someone they only briefly encountered. Although, it seems that the people these posters are looking for probably won't see these posts... does that make them romantic?

Or cringe?

Romantic or Cringe? A Look at Boise's "Missed Connections"

We take a look at some of the best of Idaho's "Missed Connections" on Craigslist to determine if these are creepy or flattering. What do you think?

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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