There's nothing quite like getting a night out in downtown Boise. When people hear that Boise, Idaho of all places even has a nightlife scene, most are surprised. While the quantity of clubs may not be huge, on a Friday or Saturday Night--Boise's streets are packed with people late into the night.

The Case of The Missing Jersey Shore Decor at Club Karma

On Saturday night, November 13th, Club Karma was BUMPIN' and the halls were decked with Jersey Shore decor. It didn't take long after the club closed at 2:00 a.m. for an ear-piercing scream in the almost-empty club. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SHEET, Maddie the bartender screamed!? Several staff members worked to solve the case of the stolen, downtown Boise decor...

Alas, video footage captures quite the scene as one VERY happy birthday girl takes the Jersey Shore Sheet for herself! From the DJ booth, right into her, can watch below:


Editor's Note: We hope that when you read all of this, you get a good laugh. Yes, even you, Jersey Shore Super Fan! No crimes were committed and everyone had a great time. And to you, Super Fan, your enthusiasm on the dance floor was unparalleled. No need to bring the sheet back...but next time you're at Karma, ask for Maddie and get her a shot of Hussong. 

Mouth Watering Secret Menu Cocktails To Order In Downtown Boise

No need to stick to the script when getting your drink on downtown. Go for these secret menu cocktails and really make it a night you'll wish you could remember. Get it? Because alcohol? While you're at it, maybe get the Uber ready. But whatever you do, don't miss out on these libations!

Investigation Discovery To Feature Meridian Murder

A murder in the Treasure Valley? We sure don't hear about that often. You may recall this crime, however, as nothing like it goes on around our town. A Meridian man shot dead in a Walgreens parking lot--because his wife was having an affair with her boss. She was in the parking lot and the only witness.

These 20 Crimes Are Still Unsolved in Boise

Can you identify anyone in these photos or surveillance videos? The Boise Police Department is hoping that you can give them a tip leading to more information! Who would have thought that the City of Boise would have so many unsolved crimes!


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