Families Celebrate Free Full-Day Kindergarten in Boise
A unanimous vote by the Boise School District has parents and families alike rejoicing as full-day Kindergarten is now FREE beginning next year, during the 2022-2023 school year.
We don't have to tell you just how hard the COVID-19 pandemic has been on families but even with the pandemic aside, the need for childcare for hardworking Boise families is real.
It did not take long after the unanimous vote for folks here in Boise to begin to comment on the approval.
In a direct quote from Dave Wagers, Boise School District Board President, he shared that:
This is one of the most rewarding votes I've cast since joining the Board. The evidence is clear that full-day kindergarten is much more effective academically than half-day kindergarten
Obviously, this move is going far more than providing children with a safe place to be all day while their parents work--it's setting them and their educations up for their future.
The financial investment from the Boise School District to make this happen is an estimated $2.7 million and funding is going to come from local and state resources.
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