Hot Take: Idahoan’s Can’t Drive In The Fog
If there is one thing we think everyone can agree on, its just how bad drivers are in the Treasure Valley during any sort of precipitation. Whether it's rain, snow, hail, sleet, fog--you name it, we spoiled drivers here in Boise just can't seem to agree on how to drive in these conditions.
All jokes aside, the recent wave of fog that has been lingering around the Treasure Valley, especially towards Canyon County, as been extremely aggressive and it has led to numerous car wrecks all around town. The Caldwell Police Department most recently published a reminder to those who are on the roads in the fog to drive safely:
Caldwell Police want to remind everyone to turn their headlights on while driving in the fog even during daylight hours. You are required to have your headlights on when visibility is less than 500 feet
And, as stated in State of Idaho Code 49-903:
Every vehicle upon a highway at any time from sunset to sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of five hundred (500) feet ahead shall display lighted lamps and illuminating devices.
By the way, violating the visibility code can result in a $90 fine that nobody is trying to pay before the holidays, or EVER.
Interested in more winter driving tips? Check out a comprehensive guide, HERE.
Drive safe!
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