As the much-anticipated release of Jeffrey Epstein's associates' names continues to make headlines all over the country, Idahoans, particularly those...
The shakeup of Ryan Murphy’s Netflix move may have claimed its first victim. The Horror, Crime and Feud boss reveals that a planned Monica Lewinsky season of American Crime Story has been scrapped altogether, and Feud remains further in question.
If you listened to Hillary Clinton's reaction to James Comey announcing he'd found additional emails to investigate, you'd think it was the ninety nineties all over again. Rumor has it that she's bringing back the 'Vast Right Wing' conspiracy angle.
Hillary Clinton and the her democratic allies are claiming that she is a victim of an overzealous prosecutor. If this sounds familiar, you would be correct. Wasn't it just last week that the democratic nominee said that no one had ever questioned the results of an election. That Trump was out of line? Well, one quick trip to YouTube found that Clinton herself had led the charge against the Bus
Please watch the video above. It shows shear desperation of ever failing David Gregory. Gregory inherited the greatest political show of all time and has destroyed that franchise faster than New Coke.