Top Gun And 10 Movies To Watch On Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have fallen serving for our country at war. It's also a time to show your appreciation and give thanks to those who have served and are serving. I'm always appreciative of their bravery and putting everything on the line for something bigger than themselves.
As a tradition, I always watch a movie about service or war on Memorial Day. It's not a huge gesture, but it always helps me appreciate what they do. I never served. So, watching the movies helps give me a perspective that I don't see every day, myself. The movies are exciting, thrilling, heartbreaking, and heartfelt. They can also be funny, human, and an escape.
Top Gun: Maverick just hit theaters and is getting great reviews. I feel like a sequel getting talked about positively is pretty rare these days. There are only a handful of sequels that actually end up being better than the original. Off the top of my head: Duece Bigalow European Gigalow, The Dark Knight if that counts, maybe Shrek 2? Maybe The Godfather 2? It's very rare for that to happen. I am yet to see it myself, but I've read fantastic things and my timeline seems to have enjoyed it. Thankfully, nobody has spoiled it yet. But have to see it soon because you never know. According to reports, Top Gun: Maverick is going to be Tom Cruise's biggest opening ever. That's huge! I think a couple things go into that. For starters, people are excited to finally get back to the theaters. It was always one of my favorite things to do and now I haven't been back since January of 2020. Now, people are starting to feel safe again. I'm excited to go back now. Secondly, this is a movie you want to see on a big screen, I imagine. It's just part of the experience. Third, everyone loved the first one. You don't hear people talk bad about it. It's timeless and for everyone. Not to mention, great timing for it to come out Memorial Day Weekend. That'll help big time. Great planning, marketing team.
Here are 10 other movies to watch on Memorial Day.
Top Gun And 10 Other Movies To Watch On Memorial Day
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