It's hard to believe that we see empty shelves whether we live in Idaho or any other state in our country. Who would've thought the nation would scramble to find toilet paper during the pandemic? Were you one of the millions of folks lined up before your favorite store opened to buy a can of disinfectant if the store had any in stock?

Thanks to President Joe Biden's mishandling of the economy, our country is dealing with supply chain issues, diesel fuel shortages, and in the New England states fuel shortages. The type of fuel that is used to heat homes. Now a government agency warns there is a national shortage of one of the most reliable antibiotics used to fight infections in kids and adults.

If you believe this article is click bait, let's share the warning released by the Food and Drug Administration last month. 

"There is currently an acute shortage of amoxicillin oral antibiotic powder for suspension. Amoxicillin oral antibiotic powder for suspension products currently appear on FDA’s drug shortage list. Amoxicillin is widely used for the treatment of bacterial upper and lower respiratory infections in the pediatric population, among other uses."

Idaho's Amoxicillin Shortage

The Gem State is not immune to the Amoxicillin shortage. KTVB reported that local pharmacists have seen the increased demand but have yet to run out of this vital drug. Doctors and Pharmacists across the country and in Idaho are working across the country to come up with safe alternatives to Amoxicillin.

What is troubling is that the national medical community has seen an increase in RSV among newborns and infants. CBS News reported that the country is witnessing a rise in Covid, RSV, and Flu. "Amoxicillin is widely used for the treatment of bacterial upper and lower respiratory infections in the pediatric population, among other uses."

National Panic Over Amoxicillin Shortage




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