Honoring Boise’s Larry Gebert During American Heart Month
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Idaho's grand champion of charity, Larry Gebert. Larry was on television for years, known for predicting the weather while promoting every nonprofit charitable group in our state. He was tall, but his legacy continues to live with us today.
Larry Gebert worked tirelessly to make our community a better place. He was taken from us last April when he died of a heart attack. His family surrounded Mr. Gebert as he passed on from this earth on his way to heaven. Whether it was a challenging subject or something funny, Larry always made us feel better about the causes we supported.
A Look At Larry Gebert
He cared about Idaho, as described in his obituary.
Larry adored serving the local communities. "Every year he would emcee/auctioneer 80 or so fundraisers and community events. He helped charities raise millions of dollars. The Great Polar Bear Challenge for Make-A-Wish Idaho was near and dear to Larry's heart. Over 20 years, Larry helped raise $517,000."
Our lives continue without the great man, but as with everything that Larry touched, there is a lesson for all of us regarding our heart health.
Larry in the Community
The National Center for Health Statistics reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country, followed by cancer, COVID, accidents, and stroke. During February, Americans are encouraged to become more aware of heart health. You can find out how to begin caring for your heart here. The site is a wonderful resource that shows you how to start exercising, healthy eating choices, and other items.
I would never hesitate to speak for Larry Gebert, but we can all honor his commitment to our community by committing to heart health. We miss you, Larry!