Idaho GOP Continue Their Push To Allow Illegals to Drive Legally
When we last checked in with the Idaho State Senate, the Idaho Senate Transportation Committee voted 5-4 to advance a bill without recommendation to the Senate floor. Despite the pleas of law enforcement and many law-abiding senators, proponents of this bill continue their quest to push their agenda. If everything stays the same, the bill will be heard this Wednesday.
In a cover, your derriere move, the Senate State Affairs Committee passed a memorial demanding that President Joe Biden do something about illegal immigration. What is that about? Have any of these informed public servants watched the open border policies of the Biden Administration? Are we sure we're in Idaho, or have we finally become a suburb of California? You can read their declaration to the president here.
It seems that the senators in favor of this controversial legislation have not read a report commissioned by the state of Idaho to 'study' the issue. You can read the information here, which, at best, could have been more conclusive on the benefit of legally allowing illegals to drive in Idaho.
Another argument favoring illegal driving is that several other states, I believe 18, allow driving privileges. If Idaho is to follow the lead of other states, why stop at driver's licenses? Let's legalize weed, hard drugs, gambling, and prostitution. And we will legalize all these vices in the name of revenue and put massive 'sin' taxes to make money on these activities.
Here are some of the highlights of the state's report:
Page 6: States are required to share certain DMV information with the federal government for certain federal programs.
Pg. 7: Empirical evidence does not indicate that licensing unauthorized immigrants reduces the total number of automobile accidents, though it may change the severity and type of accidents.
Page 17: Additionally, employing an unauthorized immigrant is against federal law regardless of whether the individual has state-level driving authority.
Pg.22 We found a lack of conclusive evidence on the overall impacts of allowing unauthorized immigrants to drive. Information on driving programs for unauthorized immigrants is scarce, and what studies do exist often contradict one another.
Everyone who loves the law and the state of Idaho should contact their senators, telling them to vote no on S1081. You can read the bill here and the summary here.
The senate's phone number is 208-332-1000; you can find out who your senator is here.
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