Everyone has their preferences when it comes to bedroom activities. Some folks like to keep thinks simple and straight forward, while others like to throw a little spice into the mix.

While this may seem like it's only for the latter, we think the former could learn a thing or two as well!

If you like being called "Mommy" or "Daddy," or other pet names that indicate a significant age difference, you may be into age play.

That's correct. If you call your partner "Daddy," you're into age play. No big deal, right? It's actually a pretty common kink amongst consenting adults. It's a pretty innocent form of roleplaying, so maybe toss out an "oh DADDY!" next time you begin to cuddle up with your boo.

P.S. Make sure your partner is ok with any kind of new activity or kink-play before you introduce it into the bedroom. Not everyone likes surprises :)


If you're reading this in Idaho, let's dig a little deeper. If you had to, do you think you'd be able to name the 5 kinkiest cities in Idaho? Take a second to guess.

Now, let's take a look at the actual list. Here are the 5 kinkiest cities throughout Idaho:

The Top 5 Kinkiest Cities In Idaho Will Make You Blush

Do you or someone you know live in one of the kinkiest towns in Idaho? Let's take a look at the kinkiest towns according to RoadSnacks.

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas


Do you ever look across the street and wonder "...is my neighbor a swinger?" Happens to all of us. Luckily for you, there's a checklist you can go down to try and determine if your neighbor is indeed courting numerous different lovers.

Pour yourself a nice glass of pineapple juice, and let's see if we can't solve this case together, shall we?

6 Unusual Clues Your Montana Neighbor Could Be A Swinger

According to The Daily Mail these 7 "secret" signs are ways for your neighbor to let it be known they are swingers to other swingers in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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