Kevin Miller Tuesday Morning
Kevin Miller meets with Phil Hardy from Strategies 360 discussing the state GOP convention. The economy, the campaign, and other Idaho issues are examined. Both take calls from listeners.
Kevin Miller checks in with Las Vegas Talk Show Host Heidi Harris. They look at the Bowe Bergdahl, the shooting in Las Vegas, and other national and local issues. Heidi takes calls from listeners.
Kevin Miller looks at the local universities preparing for the campus carry law going into effect. Kevin takes calls on the issue of protection. He discusses the Americans who lost their lives in Afghanistan.
Kevin Miller shares his interview with retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North. Kevin Miller looks at the media response to the Bergdahl release. Kevin takes calls on the Hillary Clinton interview.
Kevin Miller and Dave discuss Kevin's proposal to ban beauty contests that feature women wearing bikinis and or swim suits. Kevin Miller says Hillary Clinton and Madeline Albright are appreciated for their brains, why not all young women? Dave discloses a new documentary profiling the 'Add the Words' campaign.