Idaho Townhall: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Speaks to Idaho
The United States Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, will join Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher Tuesday morning at 730MT with Kevin Miller on KIDO Talk Radio. The speaker and the congressman will discuss the significant issues that Idahoans and Americans are concerned about during their morning commute. You can listen to the interview on 580 AM, 1075 FM and the KIDO Talk Radio App.
The speaker has focused national and international attention on the current war between Russia and Ukraine, China, the economy, and funding the government. Congressman Fulcher will join the speaker to bring his Idaho perspective to these crucial issues.
Although it's called the Congressional Summer Recess, members of Congress use these five weeks to work in their districts and catch up with their constituents. Congressman Fulcher has been touring the state and his district, holding town hall meetings.
One of the biggest challenges for both parties is spending and what will be funded when Congress returns to Washington, DC. Published reports state President Biden wants an additional ten billion dollars of military and other aid to aid the Ukraine forces against the Russians.
Republicans and Conservatives are pressing for an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. At the same time, other members of the GOP believe a Biden Impeachment will result in the loss of the House in the next election cycle.
If you have a question for Speaker McCarthy, please email me:
We look forward to hearing what Speaker McCarthy says about Idaho and the world Tuesday morning on KIDO Talk Radio. Won't you join us?
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