Purposity – West Ada School District’s Program to Help Local Youth and Families in Need. You Can Help
My son is a West Ada School District Student in 2nd grade. The West Ada School District covers schools all over the Treasure Valley. From Meridian, to Star, to Eagle some areas around Kuna and more. For parents of school age children in this day in age I am sure you can relate to the mass amount of school related emails. From the school, your students teacher or the school district. I am going to be honest I scan them and see what is important and then move on with my day because there is so much sometimes.
Last night I through went through the whole West Ada School District news letter. Kudos to the parents that always read through them all. There was some great information on there for sure but one thing really stood out to me and that was Purposity.
West Ada launched Purposity in 2018 and at this point have met the needs for 888 students and families. This is a fantastic organization that is devoted to helping local students, youth and families in our community. They have made it as easy as can be to help support this organization and the specific needs of people in West Ada School District.
They have created a simple app that you can easily download. Through the app they send a weekly notification to you that is linked to a specific need of a student. Most of the requests cost around $30. It could be a pair of new shoes, a winter coat or household essentials to a family who lost their home to a fire. From the alert you can easily choose if you are able or willing to help with that particular scenario.
It is a very simplest and effortless way to make an impact locally and all of the information is secure and confidential. The new app has several others features to help you track your generosity, find inspirational content, and see your impact. Your donation is also tax deductible. You can search 'Purposity' in your app store or click either link:
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