Are Boise’s High Housing Costs Causing Residents To Live In RVs?
We certainly not need to tell you how expensive it is becoming to live in Boise. Rent isn't cheap, homes up for sale aren't cheap, and frankly with a state minimum wage still in the $7/hour range, affordability is becoming a problem.
Are local residents being forced to go to extremes such as living in RV's to be able to survive? Take for example, this $3,000 apartment...
Keep Looking: 50 Photos of a $3,000 Per Month Apartment In Downtown Boise
The cost for this place seems a little extravagant, right? Sure they look nice inside but they certainly do not come furnished--that's on you, booboo!
On our drive home each night for the past several months now, the RV pictured below is always on our street:
While it's always on the street, it is very rarely in the same spot on the street. It looked out of place for a long time and after some observing by fellow neighbors, it seems that the RV is always moving in order to not be cited for parking violations within the City of Boise.
But perhaps someone is just storing it?
Late into the night--all night, really--the roar of a generator comes from this RV on a normally very quiet street. This RV is someone's home.
Is this what it has come to in the Treasure Valley? Is the rent simply "too damn high" around here? I think we all know the obvious answer.
What do you think should be done to help our city become more affordable for all?
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