Are Idaho Private Militias a Danger to our Safety?
Since 1927 there has been a law against private militias in Idaho. Our state has had a history of controversies involving militias. The Gem State is a historical home for militia groups. The House Transportation Committee voted 13-4 to move the bill to the entire House floor. The Idaho Press reports that the bill was met with several Idahoans speaking out against HB 475.
The Idaho Statesman reached out to the governor's office to see if he's supporting the repeal of this nearly 100-year-old law. "Gov. Little is a strong supporter of Americans' First and Second Amendment rights, and the nearly 100-year-old statute that H475 will repeal is needless and inconsistent with Idahoans' rights to peaceably assemble and bear arms in public," Callihan said in an email to the Statesman.
Militias preceded the founding of the republic. Although, the mention of the militias has caused an adverse reaction from many critics. Some say these militias will challenge law enforcement and government authorities who have maintained law and order.
One reason for removing the prohibition on private militias in Idaho could be the rise of big-money out-of-state landowners. These folks buy thousands of acres at a time and look to hire private security forces to enforce their borders. Another explanation is that it's an election year and what Idaho Politician wants to be on the wrong side of the first or second amendment?
We'll continue to monitor the progress of this bill. We believe that he will sign it if it gets to the governor's desk.
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