Is There a Simple Explanation for Boise’s Erratic Weather?
The weather in Boise has been wild lately and the snow this morning (Monday, May 9th) is proof of just that. This morning marked only the ninth time in 123 years that Boise has seen snow in the month of May according to the National Weather Service. So, what’s going on?
The answer might be found in the classic chemtrail conspiracy theory. If you’ve heard of this and are rolling your eyes, stay with us… if you haven’t, grab the bean bag and Cheetos.
According to Harvard University, the chemtrail conspiracy theory says that “governments or other parties are engaged in a secret program to add toxic chemicals to the atmosphere from aircraft in a way that forms visible plumes in the sky, somewhat similar to contrails.”
In this case, their intent is to control the weather. You read that correctly – weather control. Just a few days ago, I noticed what people would describe as “normal contrails” but are they actually chemtrails? How else would we go from one extreme to the other? MoThEr NaTuRe?
Mind you, this was just this past week in Boise, and all of a sudden, we’re seeing a drastic change in weather patterns like snow in May. The folks over at Harvard contest this theory, countering:
Regular aircraft condensation trails (contrails) are sometimes long-lasting and the way they look can change suddenly along a flight path as aircraft fly through regions with different temperatures and humidity.
This explanation reminds me of that scene in the first ‘Men in Black’ movie. You know, when Will Smith's character flashes the memory gadget before “explaining” that the extraterrestrial encounter in downtown New York was caused by “swamp gas.”
We’re not saying that Harvard is in on the conspiracy but isn’t this a bit weird? Is Boise one of the cities around the world being subjected to weather control by the government? Perhaps not… but as mentioned before, we did see snow in Boise in the month of May for only the ninth time in 123 years. Perhaps this occurrence was a phenomenon… or maybe there’s something more sinister at play?