Lt. Governor Poll: Who wins?
2018 will be the most watched competitive primary in Idaho state history. We've taken a look at who you think will win the race for governor and the First Congressional District. What about the race for lieutenant governor? This is contest may not the same attention as the other two races we mentioned above. However, whether the office is seen as a stepping stone to the governor's office or a seat at the US Senate, this is a statewide race that will involve a lot of time, money, and talent to win.
It's hard to believe that the primary is still a long way away, May 15th. Could we see more candidates enter the race? The closer we get to the end of the legislative session the chances become slimmer that another candidate will make a run. Money, workers, and resources are being gobbled up if they haven't been spoken for already.
So who's your pick? Vote now!