Monday 08/26/19 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. - Liz Harrington from the Republican National Committee highlights the anti-Trump media bias and how her group is countering Liz Harrington reviews the political Sunday Shows with Kevin Miller. She discusses what Congress is doing during their Summer Recess. They discuss the move by several liberal members of Congress to pass gun restrictions on law abiding Americans. Kevin Miller thanks everyone for listening while he was on vacation on the Oregon Coast. He takes calls from his listeners who expressed how much they missed the live interaction over the phones that happens daily on KIDO Talk Radio. ; 6:35 a.m. - Fox News Radio's Jeff Monosso with his Fox Wheels report. Jeff looks at safety concerns during the upcoming Labor Day Holiday Weekend. Kevin Miller and Jeff Monosso discuss the recent drop in gasoline prices that have helped more Americans save money and take vacations ; 7:35 a.m. - Fox News' Rachel Sutherland with the latest on the U.S. / China trade dispute ; 8 a.m. - Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Lars Larson (weeknights 6p to 9p on KIDO) opines on current political news. Kevin Miller and Lars Larson look at the battle in the Northwest involving the state of Oregon and the timber industry. Lars reveals what it's like to interview President Trump one on one.; 8:35 a.m. - Fox News Radio's Simon Owen reports live from the weekend's G7 Summit location in France.
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