"It is our wish that we help everyone; whether you're getting up early to cook or working an extra Uber shift, we're with you, shared KIDO Talk Radio's, Kevin Miller.
The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation honored KIDO Talk Radio's, Kevin Miller. The event took place Friday at Smokey Mountain Pizza in Boise. Steve Bertel, who worked for years in Boise Television, hosted the event. Mr. Bertel worked several hours researching and writing Friday's program. His preparation included a three-hour video interview with Kevin Miller.
You will be able to bring sealed water bottles with water and containers to fill with water at the many water stations inside, from a release from the God and Country Festival.
The debate will feature a change in the stage set-up, organizers say. Trump and challenger Joe Biden will be placed 12 feet apart, adding an extra six feet between their podiums