Vandals Don’t Want To Play This Fall
The football season continues to creep closer and closer to reality. Last week, major conferences have adjusted their conference schedules in hopes of dealing with the COVID. Several players have expressed their concerns about playing in the Fall, with some of them opting out of the entire season. Now a published report says that a majority of the Idaho Vandals Football team does not want to play football this Fall.
Stadium reports that 3/4ths of the Vandals have gone to their coaches, including head football coach Paul Petrino, expressing their desire not to play. From Stadium, "Last week, Idaho’s football players voted on whether they “felt comfortable participating in 2020 season given the current COVID-19 policies that are in place.” In the confidential poll, 60 of 82 players (73 percent) indicated they didn’t want to play this fall because of health and safety concerns. The coaches were not made aware of the poll, the players said.
“I have family members that are immune compromised and I don’t want to risk them getting sick by playing,” a player said. “I don’t know the long-term effects of this virus and don’t want it to affect my life down the line.”
In other news, the university reports that nine players have tested positive for the COVID, reports the Spokesman Review. The Big Sky Conference has yet make a decision on how they will or won't adjust the upcoming football season.